Friday, May 15, 2009

Being A Mom......Wow! What A Blessing!

I have been thinking alot lately about what I have been blessed with in family friends.......but most of all my daughter......I have always believed that there is a God and that He does love me.......But God has a way of showing us His love....and mine is through my daughter. Before you've had a child you never experience love at first sight or even how you could love someone you've never met, once you've had a child you are a true believer in love at first sight and you have experienced loving someone you've never met. Now...........I never thought that I would have experienced these things including having a child but God new my heart....He knows what i want and need in life....and He does take care of me. One thing that God did show me was that this child He has given me is His child and He has given her to me for a short time and He would show me the way to raise her. Wow!!! I think thats where the motherly instinct comes in on how to raise your child in the way they should go. Just like the lioness protects her cubs we as women do that to our children. Show them how to eat, drink, communicate, and other things. You nurture, you love, you teach, you cuddle. you do everything in your power to do whats right for that child and is in the way of God. Then when someone comes against that. When you know that you are doing what is in your heart and you feel thats what you are to do. You stand your ground. I think that one awesome things that God put inside of us is the will to stand our ground. You stand your ground for your kids, your family, and everything that you believe in. Thats what God said....when theres nothing else to do you keep standing. And i believe thats what im going to do is stand. And when theres nothing else to do i will stand. I think of it like this......we are held accountable for what we know and do and say. So when the devil comes to strike .....I will be protect my family, my child, and everything that i believe in. I will stand and I will keep standing.