Tuesday, November 17, 2009

And God Said.."Hes On His Way Miranda..."

Well as you all know ...the ones who read my blogs......i am in school to be a hair dresser and i do cakes for extra money....i have been really busy as far as school and cakes....Well God is so Good! God has a way of telling you what you need to do in order to get closer to him.....I had the feeling in the pit of my stomach saying Miranda Get closer to Me...Worship Me.....I know that This feeling.... this still small voice is Him Talking to me.......Telling me what i need to do....so I listen....i quit hanging out with the people that He tells me to.....worship him the first thing i do when i wake up.....mind you i do make alot of mistakes through out the day....But its the best feeling....Getting closer to Him.......Well God honors the obedient...I had been praying on what i was to do when i got out of school...where i was to work......and never really felt peace about any places in my town......untill i looked in the paper on day.....and there was a small hair shop for sale....well to make a long story short.... my family went to go and look at it and felt the Peace of God all over me........ Knew that this was where i was supposed to be....just knew it.......so we bought a hair shop!!! Its called THAT HAIR SHOP! I am so excited about this and I know that it will work because God is in the Middle of it all!!! Knowing that God is faithful and what He says is True! SO with all that said.......i wanted to share an experience that i had with you all....I had been praying for my future husband and asking God when he was coming..........." You know God i need a husband and most of all Anaiah needs a Daddy..." well i would see couples and her people talk about their loves....and well here was i ...in the middle of all of this .....wondering when it was going to be my turn........" God i know that your timing is perfect but can you speed up Your timing because I know im ready....i know that You know that im ready......" well needless to say i couldnt hear anything ........getting fusterated at this point.....started getting into the whole worshipp thing....changed my alarm to a worship song so thats what i woke up to ......listening to my worship music on my mp3 player on the way to school and while i was fixing my hair in the morning.......praying that i would live better for Jesus that day........One night i was praying before i went to sleep and told God that i was laying all of my burdens at the cross...at His feet and that i was not going to pick it up...i was going to let Him take care of it.......went to sleep.........6am i hear my alarm going off...worship music...."sweetly broken....."...then all of a sudden i start smelling the perfect awesome sweet smelling calogne i have ever smelt.......mind you my eyes are still closed......reached under my pillow .....hit snooze.....smell went away.........alarm going off........"sweetly broken...." smell comes back........hit snooze.....smell went away.......ok at this point i open my eyes and wonder if theres someone in my room .....looking around....... kinda confused ....wondering what is going on.......start praying......" Jesus what is going on......i dont understand......" Peace fills the room ....Gods peace.....very thick........ i close my eyes once again.....alarm goes off........"sweetly broken....." ....the smell of the sweet smelling cologne had come back into the room.......only this time.......stronger but not over powering........Peace came over me........i laid there....listening........"Hes On His Way Miranda........"

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Looking on the inside.....getting closer to HIM

I have been wondering why there isn't any single christian guys in our church as you may know from my last posting.....well it dawned on me......what if its me?? What if im not right where I need to be?? So I started looking on the inside....what part of me wasnt in line with the WORD.....I found alot of things that I could work on as far as I go.......like working on not being so introverted.......I starting telling myself that i used to not be that way....and what had changed in my life that I had turned to not conversating with anyone. Now for those of you that know me know that I used to be this very outgoing person and would love to have a conversation with the wall......if they listened I would talk .......that can be a good thing and a bad thing.......I used to be the person that wouldnt mind going out to dinner and keeping up with my friends.....man how things change in a hurry and its been years that i havent been myself now that I think of it...... so now im this person that barely talks to anyone at church.... I dont hang out with any of my friends that have encouraged me..... im all about staying home...now dont get me wrong im not saying that going out all the time is good......I have responsibilities .....I have this kinda sense that im just in a routine...... thats it! a routine! I did have a bad relationship that lasted 3 years....while I was in that relationship I thought that was it...this is the one for me......I fell head over heals for this guy......yet I should have know that it wasnt going to work .....he didnt go to church.....everything else was good but I realize now that if church wasnt his priority then I would have never work.......needless to say he sucked the life right out of me....... I was knocked down but not knocked out........I left him......moved back to my parents.......suffered some humility......and got up off the ground and started moving forward...... I thought to myself "Im a strong woman...I can do this...." well now I realized that I got up dusted myself off and started walking the right way I think........and somewhere in walking I stopped.....stopped moving....stopped looking......stopped wanting ........just stopped

I noticed a difference in me around my birthday of this year ........it was like a tug on the inside .....my eyes were opened......opened too things that I didnt realize that i was doing ..... things that I was saying...... I felt at that time that I needed to let go of people that were not encouraging me in the Lord...now dont get me wrong the people that I let go were very dear to my heart and it was very hard for me to do it......I still love them ..... very uncomfortable thing to do...but I needed to get closer to HIM...... I wanted HIM...... Now here I am wondering why I cant find any single christian guys anywhere......to me I feel its just another level.... another step to getting closer to HIM.......So HE tells me......" Miranda how about looking on the inside..." ...... WOW! like my eyes are open again.....open again to something else i need to work on...... HE says "Where are you?", " Who are you?", " What do you stand for?"............man this gave me alot to think about........Where am I?, Who am I?, What do I stand for?........... WHERE AM I? I am not where i need to be....not in HIS presence.....WHO AM I? I am a single mom who wants a companion.......WHAT DO I STAND FOR? I stand on the ROCK and thats about it....... Now I started looking at this and I thought to myself no wonder no one has come into my life....... I dont even want me!.........so I told myself Im getting right!!! Im going to get closer to HIM if I have to stay up all night and just be quiet to hear HIM........If I have to stay on my knees until I know that I have heard HIM........FIGHT to be a worshipper......to see HIS face not just HIS presence. WHERE AM I? Im on my way to see the ALMIGHTY!...WHO AM I? I am a child of the LIVING GOD....the head and not the tail.....above only and not beneath.... WHAT DO I STAND FOR? THE UNCOMPROMISING WORD OF GOD!............. I know that it will be a tough road.....and it will be uncomfortable....out of my comfort zone......Thats how I know that Im on the right road because my flesh doesnt like it....... Im on the road to recovery.......on the road to getting my life back...... on the road to finding myself in HIM

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Where are the Single Christian Guys?!?!?

Well tomorrow is back to school.....not really ready to go but I'm really ready to get this last semester over with....I was at church this morning and i was looking out in the crowd and noticed that there aren't any good SINGLE christian guys in our church! Now don't get me wrong that's not why I go to church and I have noticed this before but to actually realize that there is not anyone that's a single male (with or without children) christian , on fire for God in our church! this evening we had our annual church picnic and noticed it even more! There is no one to talk to....you look all around and you see couples everywhere! sometimes I just feel out of place...but I know that's the devil.....it just would be nice to talk to someone in the same boat as you are...you get me? So with this said I decided to start praying for single on fire for God people to come into our church......God knows my heart and He knows what I am looking for or more important what Hes looking for for me. He knows what I need and what my daughter needs. I need a husband who's going to be a God fearing man, protector, a listener, head and not the tail, and a help meet. My daughter needs a God fearing father....a dad, one whose going to be there for her in any situation, and to love her like his own, to be that daddy figure in her life, to show here how shes to be treated..... so with this little tid bit said I'm going to be praying ......praying till it comes to past......Ill let yall know when it manifests!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Looking Toward the Future!!! Finding HIM!!

Hello friends! i was just thinking about what my life is going to be like when I get out of school ...and how things are going to change....for the better of course......I will finally have a career that I can say that I worked for.......I will be able to provide for my daughter....and in the long run......Anaiah and I will be better than ever!!!!I know that God has everything to do with my future because I trust in Him and I have Faith in Him. My God helps me everyday...He gets me through....and He knows what He is doing in my life as long as I let Him....He is my focus.....I know that with His favor on my life that I will be able and willing to provide for my daughter and never lack! I will have customers that ask for me and have my regulars!!!I will provide them with the best service that I know how. I know that I have to let go of whats in my hand so that He can let go of whats in His hand for me. And as for my cakes I will still do them as long as God tells me.......I want to be so in tuned with Him that I never have to wonder or question if I can hear Him. I also want to be a true WORSHIPER. To understand and know what true worship is. To get in His presence and stay there........To push through all of the bad, crazy, hectic, whirlwind, stuff out there and get through to His presence. Not just to get in His presence but to get there and know His face. Every line every detail. TRULY KNOW HIS FACE!If this is to encourage anyone out there.....I hope it encourages you to the right thing.....to get on track......on the right path to Find HIM. Someone once told me.........To find Him is for us to move in the right path because He never moved....we are the ones who keep moving and God is right there the whole time waiting for us to see Him. So I encourage you...do whatever it takes to get to the presence of God.......Get on your knees....get on your face......throw your hands in the air and just surrender everything to Him......be a true WORSHIPER....push through anything ans everything that's going on in your life and just focus on Him.....That's the best place to be!!!

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Wow its been a while since i have wrote on my blog sorry!! man school does take a toll on you in the summer... it feels like you dont get a break and you cant breathe.....o wait! it is that way!!! i have had no breaks since the first of may and i dont finish until aug. 7th....not to far from now.... i have turned one year older since the last time i wrote and i have noticed alot of things that i have been drawn to my attention...... like maurity levels, respect, butting in to peoples conversation.....no where are you going to see that clearer than a building full of 51 girls.....that is way too much estrogen to handle in one building for a whole year!!! i dont know how the instructors do it!! they have to be getting paid alot......at least i would been asking for alot!!!! some girls just in their twenties being wild and crazy...talking about things that should NOT be talking about in public.......cussing all over the place......man i thought we as women had more respect for ourselves than that....but i guess some people dont think of themselves as Gods daughter......a Princess of a King.......The Head and not the Tail.......Above Only and not beneath.....i pray that we look at ourselves and learn to correct what is not right in the eyes of God and strive to be more like Him! Shoot for the moon......if you miss....at least you hit the stars!!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009





1st Birthday

Anaiah Nevaeh Grace Arriaga

1st Birthday......

i just wanted to share these picture with you.....This is my daughter Anaiah.....and these are her 1st birthday pictures!!!!

This one is my FAVORITE!!!

It just backs me realize how blessed i am to have her! she is so special to me and everyone that she comes in contact with. i never believed anyone that told me "i dont remember what i did before i had kids".......but now i do! i honestly dont remember what i did without her. i am so glad that i have her. and i wiouldnt have it any other way.........

even when times do get tough and im stressed out from school....i go home and take one look at my daughters face and nothing else matters.......the world could come crashing down all around me and i would even know it because of Anaiah.....she is my world!!!!
She is the most beautiful little girl that i have ever seen! Of course im partial....... but you have to agree.....she is beautiful!!!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Being A Mom......Wow! What A Blessing!

I have been thinking alot lately about what I have been blessed with in life......my family ......my friends.......but most of all my daughter......I have always believed that there is a God and that He does love me.......But God has a way of showing us His love....and mine is through my daughter. Before you've had a child you never experience love at first sight or even how you could love someone you've never met, once you've had a child you are a true believer in love at first sight and you have experienced loving someone you've never met. Now...........I never thought that I would have experienced these things including having a child but God new my heart....He knows what i want and need in life....and He does take care of me. One thing that God did show me was that this child He has given me is His child and He has given her to me for a short time and He would show me the way to raise her. Wow!!! I think thats where the motherly instinct comes in on how to raise your child in the way they should go. Just like the lioness protects her cubs we as women do that to our children. Show them how to eat, drink, communicate, and other things. You nurture, you love, you teach, you cuddle. you do everything in your power to do whats right for that child and is in the way of God. Then when someone comes against that. When you know that you are doing what is in your heart and you feel thats what you are to do. You stand your ground. I think that one awesome things that God put inside of us is the will to stand our ground. You stand your ground for your kids, your family, and everything that you believe in. Thats what God said....when theres nothing else to do you keep standing. And i believe thats what im going to do is stand. And when theres nothing else to do i will stand. I think of it like this......we are held accountable for what we know and do and say. So when the devil comes to strike .....I will be ready......to protect my family, my child, and everything that i believe in. I will stand and I will keep standing.

Monday, April 27, 2009

New Day...learning something new

man what a week it has been!!!! last week i was so nervous...i got chosen along with 4 other girls to go to the Texas Tech Textile fashion show hosted by the design department of Texas Tech!!! i was so nervous and scared and well excited of course.......it was such an honor to be able to go and fix models hair!!! Patti, Jennifer, Cyndi, Dana, and I were told when we got there that there would be roughly 60 to 70 girls that we would have to do their hair and that was at 8 in the morning and we were to be done with them by 1 that afternoon!!!! OMG!!! 60- 70 girls in 5 hours! well needless to say that we did get finished at the right time .....well we finished at 12:30 and did 80 girls!!!!i was so proud of us! we kicked butt!! I did take some pictures and i wanted to share them with you!!! we did have touch ups at 5:30 and the show started at 7 that evening and we really didn't have to do a lot of touch ups! we got in to the fashion show and got to watch our hair that we created walk down the runway!!!it was an awesome experience!!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

well this week has been crazy!!!!! monday got into an arguement with a girl who was questioning my integrity....comparing me to the other younger girls in the class......i dont think so! to say the least that kinda got me heated but i didnt do anything that i shouldnt have.......tuesday went ok and then wednesday came around......drama drama drama.......some girls at school just dont know when to stop........bringing other people into the drama that dont even need to be in anything....its like girls just cant let things go........well this trailed all the way into friday......tried to stay to myself......cut my first haircut!!!!!on my sister!!!!my sister is also a hair dresser and i couldnt believe she wanted me to cut her hair!!!!OMG!!!! i was so nervous! but needless to say that it came out wonderful and she loves it!! ill show you the picture!!! anyway i got told that it was the best haircut that has ever been done and walked out of the school!!! what a complement!! i was so excited!! O! heres the picture of my sister and until next time !!!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

So Here I Am......

So here i am once again......notice the picture right under here of a little girl......thats my little girl! Shes my beautiful special baby full of JOY! Well i just thought that you would like to see her......well i thought that from now on i would put one picture of the cakes that i do every time that i post a blog that way you could see my work and know what i felt the day that i made that cake.......some people like that i know i do.........i like to understand where the other person is coming from and what they are feeling when they are in the so called storm that they are going through .....even though the cakes are not storms......well sometimes i might feel that way......they do have a mind of their own sometimes.....lol! anyway back to the cake...... this cake is my sisters wedding cake that i made for her.........there were four cakes and they all have their own stands.....my sister was attement on having red velvet cake....that was her favorite kind of cake.......this cake was decorated with buttercreme icing and fresh flowers....her wedding was out doors in a beautiful green background with flowers everywhere.......so we put fresh flowers to match the out door wedding........it was a beautiful wedding......BUT.........i never understood all the things that go into a wedding until this wedding..........i dont think i want a wedding....too much stress....too much of anything........i cant handle things like that.....well maybe i will later when the time is right for me ill want one...........MAYBE........anyway i also thought that you wouldlike to see what i look like.....you know put a face to the blog and what is being written in the blog.........OMG!!! i just got off the phone with one of my really good friends from bible school! Its been 9 years since i have seen him!!! AWE! makes me miss him.......Hi Joel if your reading this!!! man the things that you go through and you wonder if theres anyone else out there feeling what youre feeling..... man Joel im glad that i got to talk to you today....you might not ever know what you did for me today!!!! i consider you a great and close friend!!!! call me any time that you want!!!! morning, noon, night.......... God is soooooo good...... well untill next time people....thanks for reading......

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The School World......

Well in the days of going to school you know "back in the day" i remember the girl drama and "well i dont like her" and "shes not my friend". Not alot has changed in the 11 years that i have been out of highschool.........Now its "i really dont like her" and "well that girl wears toooo much make up" and (well the one i really dont like to hear) "guess what i did last night or who i did". and then laugh about it. I cant believe that this goes on still today. Its like girls have lost respect for themselves. Makes me want to tell them Well what makes you think that that guy is going to respect you if you dont even respect yourself!!! I try not to get in the middle of it. I try to stay out.Put my MP3 player on and crank it up so that i dont hear anything i dont want to hear. You know i thought that i was going to school just to cut hair not knowing that theres ALOT more to it than just cutting hair off! Its fun though and i really enjoy learning new things, but sometimes you just dont want to be there and do the work. you know STRESS OUT because youve got a crap load of homework and a teacher that repeats and repeats and repeats and repeats and a baby at home and a test on friday that you dont think youll remember whats even on the stupid test!!!!!! Then i calm myself down and i look at my daughter and think this is all worth it in the end........ Shes the Best thing that has ever happened to me! its the best thing for me and her!

Friday, March 20, 2009

My First Blog....Im So Excited!!!

Well hi there everyone in the internet world! Im so excited to have a blog now......not sure how all of this works but im giving it a try anyway!!!My name is Miranda and im from a little town in west texas. I go to college right now to become a hair dresser and well i also bake and decorate cakes!!! I love to bake and decorate cakes! Its fun and challenging at the same time! I will be putting some of my cakes on this blog to share with all of you out the in the internet world! I have a beautiful little girl that is my world!! And I have an awesome family that help support me in my dreams. And last but not at all the least.......My one and only God! I thank Him every day for the talent that He has put in me. He is my ONLY way to go! I can do everything if He is on my side! I really hope that you enjoy this blog as much as I do!!!